If you do not wish to use absolute layout, then it is best to uncomment/remove code relying on the library and re-do the form design using the new layout. Select 'Libraries' node in the project, right-click and select 'Add Library' and select 'Absolute Layout' library from the list of available libraries. 44.2.2 Controlling the Second-Level Cache Programmatically Check whether a particular entity has cached data Remove a particular entity from the cache Remove. If you would like to use absolute layout, then please include the library in the project. I removed the repo manually by removing/editing three files manually: C:\Documents and Settings\Russ\.netbeans\6.8\var\cache\mavenindex C:\Documents and Settings\Russ\.netbeans\6.8\config\Projects\org-netbeans-modules-maven\Repositories C:\Documents and Settings\Russ\.netbeans\6. Try to delete the repo with a right click to the floating menu: the Delete option is grayed out. But if you switch to some other layout after using absolute layout, then the jar/library will be removed from the classpath and existing code making calls to the library will not compile. Per questo motivo vi propongo lo script che sto usando per compilare Apache NetBeans all’ultima versione disponibile sul relativo reporistory GitHub e con il supporto a tutti i linguaggi previsti. View the new repository in the maven repository browser window. It should be added automatically by the ide whenever absolutelayout is used in the form. On clearing the cache, and restarting netbeans, it started to recognize org.* imports again. On Linux, the cache is at: /home/username/.cache/netbeans/. Start the Java Control Panel: Windows In the Java Control Panels. In windows 7 the cache is located in C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\NetBeans\. Procedure If the Tivoli Enterprise Portal is running, exit by closing the browser window.